Just A Chick- 2025 Events
Our Next Chick Day!
Come out to the farm and pick out your new chicks for your coop!
Saturday April 5th 2025 10am-4pm
We are expecting these breeds and will have over 250 chicks to choose from!
- Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
- Columbian Wyandottes
- Rose Comb Leg Horns
- White Cochins
Straight Runs:
- Ayam Cemani (Pet quality)
- Blue & Black Marans
- Silkies
- Cream Legbars
- Olive Eggers
- Black, Blue & Lavender Ameracana's
- Buff, Black Jubilee & Lavender Orpingtons

Our Next Just A Chick Drops:

Sunday, April 6th
Cross City- 4:30pm at Sun Stop
Old Town- 5pm at Hardee's parking lot
Chiefland- 5:30 at Winn-Dixie
Trenton- 6pm at Hitchcocks
Friday, April 11th
Keaton Beach- 4pm at Walter B's
Perry- 4:45pm at Winn-Dixie
Mayo- 5:30pm at local grocery store
Sunday, May 4th
Cross City- 4:30pm at Sun Stop
Old Town- 5pm at Hardee's parking lot
Chiefland- 5:30 at Winn-Dixie
Trenton- 6pm at Hitchcocks
Friday, May 9th
Keaton Beach- 4pm at Walter B's
Perry- 4:45pm at Winn-Dixie
Mayo- 5:30pm at local grocery store
Sunday, June 1st
Cross City- 4:30pm at Sun Stop
Old Town- 5pm at Hardee's parking lot
Chiefland- 5:30 at Winn-Dixie
Trenton- 6pm at Hitchcocks
Friday, June 6th
Keaton Beach- 4pm at Walter B's
Perry- 4:45pm at Winn-Dixie
Mayo- 5:30pm at local grocery store
- When ordering for a drop please make sure to order the appropriate age range for your desired drop. Please also notate in the comment field when placing your order which drop date and location you prefer. Chick ages and dates can be found under their description. If you wish to hold a chick til they are older and you don't see availability please reach out to us and we maybe able to adjust the online inventory based on what we physically have available and grow that chick to your desired age for your flock.
Next Chick Days!
May 31st- 10am-4pm

- Whiting True Blue
- Blue Andalusian
- Blue Cochin
- Buff Brahmas
- Buff Orphingon
- Light Brahmas
- Crevecoeurs
- Mottled Houdans
- Polish (Buff Laced & White Crested Black)
Straight Run
- Ayam Cemani
- Blue & Black Marans
- Black, Blue, Splash & Lavender Ameracana's
- Buff, Black & Lavender Orpintons